Friday, February 26, 2010

initial sketches for the comic

this is mainly for you to look at mountain (click to enlarge)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Summer Vacation

Alright, I have been trying to sketch a lot lately.
Lets see what I came up with...

I'd just about kill to work at hotwheels, here are some quick sketches I did last week.

sedan-wagon type of thing, personally my favorite type of hotrod. One day, hopefully, there will be a chopped and channeled mid 30's something in my garage.

...and some trucks. Personally, Like many, I think, I'm quite the fan of orange and blue. Probably see it a lot in the future. I'll upload most of last week's hot rod sketches tomorrow night.

This is an early 70's gremlin with no doors, raised with some sort of 4wd drivetrain, probably from an sx4.

Kinda ran with an idea that I saw on coroflot of some guys quick ideations with an old chevy truck.

Here are some race cars influenced by the
old GT40 and the King's STP car. Mainly
working on the marker work.

And here is a photoshop rendering drawn over the above marker sketch

the rest are just some other marker sketches.

I kinda like the red shadows, but clearly there is a long way to go. But, hey, it is a starting point right?

To establish a goal

Alright, it's not really the beginning of a year or anything, but I feel like its time to make a quick assessment of my life and set a goal for the future.

Today is the 23rd of February 2o1o. The reality of the situation is that I am about a year and a half from graduating with an industrial design degree from a somewhat shitty school. Well, not a shitty school, but a shitty school for industrial design. I have no direction, little talent, and even less good quality work to show. In reality, I am in the same situation that I was in during the last few years of high school. Through sheer lack of research, I decided that I might a well go to the university that I chose, why not? An undergraduate ID program is an undergraduate ID program right?

...well, no. But this isn't a rant blog. In fact, its really not a blog intended for writing, but I'm making this one exception.

So lets consider the positives of my situation:
1. In a year and a half, I will have a bachelor's degree in industrial design. No, it isn't worth as much as I would like it to be, but it is at least a starting point in the right direction.
2. I still have a year and a half to get my shit together. That is still quite a bit of time.
3. Unlike in the past, I now know how to scower the internet for resources to better myself. I signed up for Car design News, I avidly check idsketching, arch daily, coroflot, and other websites. I just ordered a book about sketching and will continue to shamlessly exploit and rip off anything I can find (for practice, obviously, not to claim credit).
4. I am learning German. I love it.
5. I should have a lot of time, I only have 31 more required credits for 3 semesters. That averages out to about 10 hours a semester (which is badass).

I have decided that I am going to transportation design school.
It will be expensive. It will be intense, and as I sit, there is no way that soeone with as little skill as I could hope to get in.

That is what this blog is officially for, starting now. The admission deadline for the Pforzheim Hochschule is 3o April. That is more than 14 months. During this time, these are the following goals:
1. Gain a working understanding of German:
I am not a German student, and there is no way that I will be anywhere close to fluent by next April. And I dont expect to. But I would like to be able to comforably get around. I think this will be possible.
2. Kick ass at Thesis:
lets be honest, there weren't a lot of impressive final projects last year or the year before. But if I can do something that turns out well, obviously it will be a big help in getting in to grad school.
3. Internship:
Somewhere! anywhere!
4. Sketch everyday:
And upload a few sketches every week.
5. Alias
6. Get Aftermath Hodrods off the ground:
I think in 14 months, I can get at least two cars done, and maybe some back story. I think I need to set a deadline for myself. How about launch website before next spring semester. That way it won't get in the way of thesis.

Hopefully, this will be the wordiest post this blog ever sees, I'm going to go draw something.

I'm optimistic about all of this. When they reject me next year, I think I'll try again the following year. I'm also happy that nobody reads this blog of knows that it exsists. So when I fail, nobody knows but me.

Well, future self, do me proud
