Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Summer Vacation

Well, as is expected, it has been quite a while since I've updated. Its a good thing nobody reads this blog, or I would be embarrassed. If in the future somebody does read this, they would have to look at the dates to know how far in between things are, and nobody would go through that much trouble.

And hopefully they won't look this far back anyways. Lets be honest, these past couple weeks have yielded some rather shitty little sketches.

This first batch was intended for the ID sketching
weekly competition. It is a vacuum cleaner design based off of the ever popular dyson ball idea.

I know dyson likes to push the engineering aspect of their designs, but I guess I don't see why all of there stuf has to be ugly. What is worse is that now all the other vaccums on the market have followed suit and are ugly now too.

They should really take from the hair dryer designers and put out some nice, slick cool designs. Oh well, what can ya do?

I don't know if Ill submit these or go back to the drawing board tomorrow. I might be a little embarrassed to post these where somebody else will see them.

Below is the back view and what I entended to be the final sketch of the series.

Another interesting note, these are the first sketches that I have ever done in a coffee shop. I felt like such a designer. Maybe I'll go sketch there tomorrow just to feel awesome.

You know, dyson really should go into the hairdyrer market. They've already got a pretty good handle on the soccer-mom market. Might as well corner that air-manipulation market.

The next two are just some more cars. It seems like lately I've had two main styles that I've been working with. These are the red series. The top one was kinda shitty and I got bored and didn't finish it. The second one was done wile watching some Kevin Spacey movie about criminals. It was excellent (like most kevin spacey movies).

I don't actually know if this is the front or the back. Didn't really seem important to me at the time. Those are some red lights on the bottom though, so I guess its the back.
So I guess that makes this the blue series.

This series was initially based off of some sweet little sketches by some british dude who's name I forgot. He kicks a lot more ass than I do though. I think a lot of that comes from that RCA transportation degree. His are a lot more lose than mine, but I've been using it as an excuse to practice rendering chrome. Still a ways to go, naturally, but Its been fun.

These sketches were made while I was watching some documentary on modern pilosophers. It was kinda interesting, I guess.

I really need to get back into reading. I don't even have the slightest background necessary to comprehend Heidiggerian philosophy. Oh well, I guess thats why I try to draw pictures.

Ideally, some of these will turn into some aftermath motors concepts, but I dunno.

The sketches are slowly improving, but i'm not sold on any of the designs that I've come up with. Back to the drawing board I guess.

This one below is probably my favorite of the series thus far. It was initially inspires by a model that some kid at the french transportation design school did, but I changed the style quite a bit. The resemblence is hardly there at all anymore.

Is it obvious that I'm only including these words because I don't want the images to be floating in space. These words mean nothing. If you haven't stopped reading yet, you should probably do so now. I promise, you aren't missing anything.

I'll finish it up with this attempted marker render of a chrome cupcake. Now, before getting judgmental on the lack of skill, try to imagine the state of sobriety required to initiate the notion of a chrome cupcake. yea. sorry.


Actually, I really hate the centered images. It just looks kinda crappy. I'm to lazy to change it now, but I'll have to keep this in mind in the future. Really, this site kinda sucks as far as its ability to format things easily. Jut sayin...